Tansky's Advanced Auto Body

What to Expect

What to Expect

Even with the safety advances in automobiles, the safest of drivers can still be involved in an automobile accident. At the scene of an accident, you should take a few key steps such as making sure everyone is safe and uninjured, calling the police and exchanging information with any other drivers involved. But above all… remain calm! When it is time to file an insurance claim after an accident, it is also imperative to know what information you will need to provide and to understand your insurance policy language. Knowing what to expect will help expedite the claims process and help ensure that funds to repair your vehicle are received in a timely manner. Keep in mind that every insurance company handles their claims process a bit differently, but many of the steps are similar. Ask your repair specialist how your specific insurance carrier handles claims.

Tansky's Advanced Auto Body

2475 W Dublin Granville Road
Columbus, OH 43235
Driving Directions
Call To Schedule 614-793-2080

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